Make tablets helpful in hotels with these 3 enhancements

Delivering experiences that impress and delight guests depends on how fast and easily your guests have access to goods, useful information, and most importantly, services.

The level of service expected by guests is rising and technology must evolve to meet new needs and requirements.

Of all the emerging platforms that increase interaction with guests, tablets are proving to be the simplest to implement and the quickest to have impact. Here are three ways tablets can enhance key touchpoints in your guests’ journey.

Simple self-check in

The front desk and the lobby are ideal locations to capture guests’ attention and encourage self-service, as your staff are on-hand to guide guests’ first interactions with tablet technology. Implementing self-check-in through tablets is an innovation that has provided the benefit of relieving staff, while giving guests the opportunity to freely gather information with shorter wait times. Furthermore, content can also be offered in different languages.

Personalisation and in-room service

Install tablets in guests’ rooms to offer complete personalisation of their experience; from controlling the lights, the TV and music, the temperature, or to simply give access to the laundry or cleaning services.

Convenient digital concierge

Tablets can be used as digital concierge stations where your guests can check into their flight, browse tourist information, find directions online or display the area map. You can also offer insider information about nearby hotspots, customised tips on restaurants and attractions, and works by local artists to enhance their overall experience.

These are only a few examples on how to implement a tablet display stand or kiosk in your establishment to offer your guest an outstanding experience and interact with them.

Image courtesy of the Kendall Hotel